Car Stuff
Turbo Air Flow
Building a V6
Buick Pictures
Nerd Stuff
Quotes I like
Who is this guy?
What's New

I'm afraid this web site will never be finished. It is mostly a test bed to try things out. I've never been too interested in GUI stuff so I doubt it will ever look real pretty. I think it's apparent I'm not a graphics designer. Like most sheds, this one has a lot of clutter. Some of this stuff hasn't been cleaned up for over 10 years. Maybe someday.

I put off doing a web page for a long time because I didn't think I had much to say. You may think I should have waited longer. I then abandoned it for a long time. I've taken it back up since I recently set up a server at home for a different project. That's where you're getting this.

Of course, as time passes, some people see the light. I am thankful that html frames have gone out of fashion. I started out learning this stuff when frames and tables were considered the way to do things. XHTML and CSS were in their infancy and some of it didn't even work. I struggled against a rather steep learning curve. Now, frames are pretty much gone, the ardorous requirements of XHTML is no longer the end-all answer since it looks like HTML5 is going strong, and CSS rules. I think it is a big improvement in the technology. At least it isn't such a pain to write a simple web page anymore. I'll slowly redo things here and get rid of the frames. This is a shed though. You will see messy stuff.

All that being said, The things you'll find here include some car stuff, a white paper about CRC's, a vanity section for nosy people, some quotes I like, and a few brain teasers that appealed to me. The car stuff has three areas: a calculator that allows you to size turbo's, injectors, and fuel pumps; pictures of rebuilding a Buick V6; and a section with pictures of our cars and a couple of friends cars too.

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